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The one-stop shop for all DV and DVCPRO needs

Encoder and decoder components for creating and playing back
DV, DVCPRO 25, 50 & 100

Professionals and enthusiasts alike know that MainConcept is the one-stop shop for all your DV and DVCPRO needs. The MainConcept® DV/DVCPRO Codec Packages support consumer DV 25 Mbps (IEC-61834), DVCPRO 25/50 Mbps (SMPTE 314M), and DVCPRO HD in 720 50/60p and 1080 50/60i (SMPTE 370M). DVCPRO HD delivers considerably higher picture quality allowing video data rates at 100 Mbps and YUV 4:2:2 colorspace. The codec packages include components for decoding and encoding DV, DVCPRO 25/50 and DVCPRO 100 frames as well as related PCM audio and MXF.

Product Highlights

Stream Types and Formats
  • Elementary Stream: Generic DV / DV 25, DVCPRO 25, DVCPRO 50 and DVCPRO 100 (HD) Elementary Streams
  • DIF: Generic DV / DV 25, DVCPRO 25, DVCPRO 50 and DVCPRO 100 DIF Streams
  • AVI: Generic DV / DV 25, DVCPRO 25, DVCPRO 50 and DVCPRO 100 AVI Streams
  • MXF: Panasonic P2 DVCPRO 25, P2 DVCPRO 50, P2 DVCPRO HD (Specialized Operational Pattern “Atom” SMPTE 390M);
    Sony XDCAM DV (DVCAM) (OP1a SMPTE 378M, DV video mapping SMPTE 383M) S

Related Products

Broad format support for professionals and consumers

MainConcept DVCPRO Codec Packages support a broad swath of formats for both professionals and enthusiasts. It encompasses all DV, DV 25, DVCPRO 25, DVCPRO 50 and DVCPRO 100 (HD) formats supported by industry specifications for professional video production and broadcast, including SMPTE. 


Allows video data rates at 100 Mbps and YUV 4:2:2 colorspace

All major YUV and RGB color spaces are supported. DVCPRO HD delivers higher picture quality since it allows video data rates at 100 Mbps and supports the YUV 4:2:2 colorspace.

MXF support for ingest and packaging in video production

When it comes to offering complete solutions, no one does it better than MainConcept. This SDK includes MXF support for ingest and packaging in video production.



DV/DVCPRO 25 Encoder SDK
DV (Digital Video) Encoding SDK for creating media in the DV (25 mbps) format.
DV/DVCPRO 25/50 Encoder SDK
DV (Digital Video) and DVCPRO 50 Encoding SDK for creating media in the DV (25 mbps) and the DVCPRO (50 mbps) format.
DV (Digital Video), DVCPRO 50 and DVCPRO 100 Encoding SDK for creating media in the DV (25 mbps), and DVCPRO (50 and 100 mbps) formats.
DV/DVCPRO 25 Decoder SDK
DV (Digital Video) Decoding SDK for playing back media in the DV (25 mbps) format.
DV/DVCPRO 25/50 Decoder SDK
DV (Digital Video) and DVCPRO 50 Decoding SDK for playing back media in the DV (25 mbps) and the DVCPRO (50 mbps) format.
DV (Digital Video), DVCPRO 50 and DVCPRO 100 Decoding SDK for playing back media in the DV (25 mbps), and DVCPRO (50 and 100 mbps) formats.